In May 2021 Google will change their algorithm which will affect how they rank pages in their search results. If Google search traffic is important to you a bad ‘page experience’ number will hurt your search engine ranking, costing you visits, customers and ultimately revenue.

We’ve put together all you need to know about Google Page Experience in a webinar and recorded a podcast episode to help you prepare for the change.

What is changing?

Google currently ranks your site in the results pages based on lots of different factors (who’s linking to you, where are you linking to, your content quality etc) but few of these metrics reflect the user and their experience using the website. This is where page experience steps in.

Page experience is Google’s new way of measuring how users experience visiting your web page. 

They will still be judging your site using a technical, metrics based assessment, but the new numbers Google will be trying to represent human experiences: how long things take to respond to clicks or how much the page jumps around.  

How does Google measure ‘experience’?

Google Page Experience focuses on the following six areas as a gauge of user experience:

  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Mobile first
  • Safe browsing
  • Intrusive interstitials

These terms may sound complicated but rather than write an extensive post, we have recorded a video and podcast episode to break down all the detail.

Find out more about Page Experience

We recorded our recent webinar that explains everything you need to know about Google Page Experience, how the metrics are calculated and some tips on how you can make sure you’re prepared.

Watch our Google Page Experience webinar

Watch our webinar on Google Page Experience

If you want to stay informed on upcoming webinars, follow us on LinkedIn

We also covered Google Page Experience in an episode of our Tied Together podcast entitled “Page Experience. What you need to know

How can you ensure your site complies?

We provide a Google Page Experience audit where we work with you to understand your key user journeys and evaluate those journeys against Google’s Page Experience metrics.

We create a report for you showing the current performance of these pages and put forward recommendations to remediate any areas where the pages are falling short of Google’s expectations. For more information, please get in touch or email us at